Are you all about personal growth? Self-improvement?
Figuring out what the heck is making your life seem so difficult... and fixing it?
Or just looking for something special to express your style and be more visible?


Offers a collection of original designs, apparel, accessories, and decor
to support you on your journey.

Be Visible

Putting your true self out there can be hard. Sometimes it's easier to just be who others expect, or make ourselves nondescript and invisible. Developing the courage to be seen and known for who we truly are—with our unique style and attitudes—is an important part of finding joy and fulfillment in life.

Image of success. Photo of quirky, flower-child woman with face raised to sunshine, expression of peace and happiness.
Image of contemplation. Photo of man meditating in nature at sunset.

Challenge & Overcome Negative Thoughts

Affirmations can be a powerful aide in solidifying new knowledge and reprogramming negative thinking patterns. Repetition of key concepts reinforces learning, and helps you maintain focus and motivation by redirecting old habits toward new ways of thinking and acting.

Celebrate Success

Recognize your efforts and reward successes, no matter how small. Feeling appreciated begins inside each of us. Being able to acknowledge, approve, and give ourselves praise is a powerful way to reinforce positive change and feel like we matter.

Image of celebration. Photo of hands holding a sparkler.

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About KatPDesigns

My designs express ideas, insights, and emotions drawn from years of challenging self-discovery and growth. These adornments and affirmations are both valuable reminders and fun ways to be authentically visible. I hope they can help you stay motivated on your journey and express your success each step of the way.

~ Kathy

Take your transformation to the next level

Affirmations can be a powerful aid in solidifying new knowledge and reprogramming negative thinking patterns. But if you struggle to make real change, you may need to dig deep and discover what habits, beliefs, or other conflicting information is taking up space inside you and preventing the new messages from sinking in and becoming real. Check out for more tools & knowledge.Get Tools & Knowledge

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